
Customer Appreciation Summer Kicks Off with a New File Viewer

For our first release of this year’s customer appreciation summer we have rolled out a brand-new file viewer with tons of new features.

  • Zoom!
  • Search!
  • Seamless scrolling
  • Select and copy text
  • Table of contents/bookmarks view
  • Page thumbnails

To see the new viewer, simply click on a file that you’ve uploaded to an item or to the Project Files section.

In addition, we’ve made a small improvement to project navigation. In the past you could see a list of all files attached to items (issues, equipment, checklists, etc.) but to get to the list you had to know to click on this obscure sentence at the bottom of the Project Files page:


Not exactly obvious, was it? (well, without the red arrows, that is)

We’ve now made this much more obvious by adding an “Attached Files” option in the project menu. We think that makes a lot more sense!

One more thing – the new file viewer is part of a larger effort to allow you to annotate your images and PDFs directly in CxAlloy TQ. That will be coming a little later, but I hope you’ll look forward to it. See you next week!