
A Note From the Designer: Looking Forward

The latest update to CxAlloy TQ has some noticeable changes. We’ve flattened our design, reduced shadows and gradients, and simplified our color palette.

Why the big change? Not only does the simplified design move us towards a more modern look, but it also helps us prepare for another big feature coming in the next year.

The design changes included consolidating our color palette. In the coming year, we will be releasing features that will allow you to customize the site colors. In other words, not only will you be able to change our logo to yours with our white labeling features, but you’ll also be able to change our blues and oranges to your own company colors. You’ll truly be able to make CxAlloy your own.

We’ll continue to develop branding and style customization features because our mission with CxAlloy TQ is to aid commissioning firms in achieving greater success. With that in mind, we don’t want to alter or muddle your brand, we want to amplify it.

We hope these new features will help strengthen your brand, and we certainly hope that you are as excited about the coming features as we are!

A Note From the Designer: Looking Forward

Elysia Hwang
Lead Designer