
CxAlloy TQ Update – Custom Branding and More

CxAlloy TQ just got a big update over the Labor Day holiday. This update includes some highly requested features, like custom branding, plus a few surprises that we think you’ll like.


The first thing you’ll notice is the updated project dashboard. This new dashboard does a much better job of giving you a true overview of your project’s status. At the top you’ll find status breakdowns for issues, equipment, checklists and tests. Below that you’ll find detailed information about your project’s issues, including the average time to close issues and a graph of issue statuses over time (if you aren’t seeing any historical issue data, don’t worry, we’ll be backfilling this information in the coming weeks). Finally, we’ve included some metrics to identify pain points: a list of the disciplines (such as mechanical, electrical, etc.) with the most issues, and a list of the assets with the most issues. Over time we hope to expand out these metrics, so if there is something you’d like to see, please let us know!

Custom Attributes

The next feature is one we have been piloting for a while behind the scenes: custom attributes. Attributes are named properties of assets, such as model number, voltage, air flow, and so forth. You can now add your own custom attributes to your project. We still provide our global list of common attributes, but if you’ve got something unique you’d like to track as an attribute, no problem! Just go to the “Attributes” section in your project settings and add it. Custom attributes work just like any other attribute, so you can link your checklist and test lines to them in addition to adding them directly to an asset. And for account administrators, custom attributes can be added at the account level. Those attributes are then accessible to all projects within your account.

Finally, we’ve delivered white labeling for our premium customers. White labeling allows account administrators to replace the CxAlloy logo with a logo of their choosing. This logo will be used on the site itself and in all PDFs. White labeling fits in perfectly with our philosophy: we want to help you build your brand, not have you help us build our brand. When you are successful, we are successful. We consider all of our customers partners and we hope white labeling will strengthen that partnership.

Of course, as always, there are a number of smaller changes and fixes to make the software work better for you. To learn more you can read our release notes.

We’re quite proud of these new features and we certainly hope you like them too. If you have any questions or suggestions, please get in touch. We are listening.

Jacob Terry

Director of Product Development