
Filter for Empty Fields – Customer Appreciation Summer Week 11

For Week 11 of Customer Appreciation Summer we’ve added the ability to filter based on when a value is not set. This makes certain actions much easier, such as finding all unassigned issues. Combined with our batch editing tools it’s now trivial to quickly audit and correct data gaps.

Easily find unassigned issues with the new filtering options

This ability (what we internally call the “none” filter) is only available when it makes sense. For example, issues always have a status and therefore don’t have a “No Status” filter. Filters that include a “none” option include assignment, discipline, priority, equipment type, system, checklist type, review type, review remark, and field observation type.

The “none” filters can be combined just like other filters. For example, you could find all equipment that either has no discipline or has discipline “Mechanical”.

Finally, we’ve also added the “none” option to these same filters in the report generator.

We hope this makes it easier to manage the data in your projects!