
Get Better Answers with the New Project Dashboard

This weekend we rolled out an update to the project dashboard that we think you’ll like. Our primary goal with this update was to better answer the questions you often have about your project – questions such as:

  • What remains to be done?
  • Who is assigned to do the remaining work?
  • How fast did we do the work?
  • Where are the bottlenecks?

Here are a few ways we tried to give you more insight into your project.


We’ve updated the overview to give more detail:

  • We now show the totals for each section. Having 75 percent open issues is one thing with four issues and something quite different with 300.
  • We’ve separated issues by phase so unresolved or in progress design issues don’t obscure the situation with your construction issues.
  • We’ve added checklist and test line progress for another perspective on checklist and test completion.

We’ve made the section-specific tabs (issues, checklists, tests, and equipment) a lot more useful by adding more breakdowns, including two of the most requested ones – by assignment and by discipline.


We’ve added analysis of time to close, including a visualization on the time issues spend at each status on their way to being closed.

There’s more, of course, and I encourage you to click around and see what all we’ve added.

We were able to achieve some secondary goals as well:

  • Anything that can be clickable, is.
  • The dashboard now respects the user’s permissions. If a user can’t view a section, they won’t see any data for it on the dashboard.
  • The dashboard loads faster.
  • Each dashboard page can be linked to directly (not available in IE 8 and 9).

Of course the big question you have is: can I print it? Not yet, but soon. We are working on it!

Other Improvements

As always this release includes other small changes and fixes. These include:

  • Account administrators can now access draft field observations and draft reviews.
  • Changing an item away from a restricted status now requires the same permissions as setting that restricted status.
  • When adding a person to a project, the option for that person to receive the daily digest emails is now unchecked by default.

You can visit our help section to see our full release notes. Thank you for using CxAlloy TQ and don’t forget to let us know what you think of these new features at!