
2015 In Review

We at CxAlloy want to thank you for a wonderful year. CxAlloy TQ has grown tremendously in 2015, and so much of it we owe to you. We brought out a lot of new features over the course of the year and almost all of them were driven or influenced by suggestions from you, our customers.


We started off the year with a big release that brought significant improvements to our checklists and tests. We reduced page load times, added additional sorts, and, most importantly, added the ability to see the completion percentage of the checklist or test at a glance.

Shortly after we brought the first batch of many new features to our report generator; the ability to include a folder of files.

On the iOS side we brought in the “linked attribute” functionality for checklists and tests.


In May we made our report generator available to all accounts, not just those who paid for premium features. Other updates included section reordering, a beta of file embedding for Office documents, and several UI improvements.

On iOS we improved the search and sort interface and added additional sorts.


In July we overhauled file attachments to look better and enable more actions, such as renaming, batch downloading, previewing, and tagging. We also updated how we handle attributes to enable greater flexibility in managing the attributes in a project.

On iOS we added the equipment section, allowing you to view and manage your equipment data in the app.


In October we rolled out one of our biggest updates ever. The highlight was the complete revamp of checklist and test lines, allowing you to view the full history of lines, easily confirm linked attributes, and many other improvements. The release also added a new “Duplicate Project” function, new file embedding options in the report generator, improved loading times, and more.

On iOS we released version 2.0 of our app, a complete rewrite to accommodate the new split screen functionality in iOS 9. As part of that rewrite we also updated the checklist and test interface to show completion percentages.

On to 2016

We picked up the pace in 2015 and we will be accelerating development again in 2016. Dashboard updates, meeting minutes, tasks, and checklist and template improvements are among the many updates we will be bringing to you, again driven by your feedback. Thank you for using CxAlloy TQ and helping us make it the best product it can be!