
Getting Started is Easy

Here’s a story that I see frequently in commissioning firms: company management, or perhaps a project manager, can see that there is a lot of time being lost in coordinating issue logs, transcribing information, and compiling reports. Worse still, the problems in these areas are causing delays, missed issues, and cost overruns. They know that they can fix a lot of these problems by adopting commissioning management software, but they are held back by fear. “Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t know”, as the saying goes. The fears are rational – their root is in very real questions: How much time will it take to adopt? How long to roll it out? How long to train everyone? How many mistakes will be made along the way? How will new employees be trained? Will I be able to carry over my existing processes? How about my forms?

At CxAlloy, we understand these concerns. That’s why we have architected our software to address them, and why we have built and continue to evolve a training and support system to answer them.

I’d like to touch on just a few things we do to make the transition to CxAlloy TQ as painless as possible, so you can start enjoying the benefits faster.

Sensible Defaults

Many aspects of CxAlloy TQ can be customized. Customization is great because it lets you work the way you want, but customization isn’t so great when you have to spend hours fiddling with settings before you can start really working. CxAlloy TQ avoids this customization trap by starting you out with sensible defaults. You avoid the hassle of all that configuration, and you can get started right away with a default setup that has been proven to work well over hundreds of projects. Then, over time, you can make adjustments based on your experience.

Any new CxAlloy TQ account is also started with proven checklist and test templates for common equipment such as air handling units, boilers, chillers, and more. The templates are yours: use them, modify them, even delete them. It’s just another way we help you hit the ground running.

Foolproof Imports

You’ve probably built up a library of tens or hundreds of checklists, tests, and other forms. You don’t have to leave those behind when you adopt commissioning software. Instead, import them as templates and unleash their potential. As templates you can easily use them across multiple projects, and with our batch creation system one template can generate hundreds of checklists. Word and Excel can’t do this.

Our import is designed to “just work”. It allows importing any worksheet in your Excel file, any set of columns or rows, and can even import cell formatting.

Personalized Training Included

Every new subscriber to CxAlloy TQ is provided with up to four hours of training. These sessions are in your control, from who attends to what topics to cover. We’ll work with you to make sure your team is ready to go from day one.

Ongoing Training Included, Too

And now training isn’t limited to just those initial four hours. We offer free monthly training sessions that can be attended by any user, even contractors or others outside your organization.

These one-hour sessions focus on a specific role in a project (such as the commissioning authority who needs to create project content or the contractor who needs to fill out checklists in the field) and walk through how to complete those tasks.

We’ll hold your hand

Well, not literally. But we’ll do everything we can to ensure your transition to CxAlloy TQ is seamless so you can start enjoying the benefits right away. This is only a few highlights of what we offer. If you’d like to learn about all the ways we can benefit you, please visit or contact us at