
Batch Create Checklists and Tests in the Field

We are pleased to announce the latest release of the iOS app with a major new feature: batch creation of checklists and tests! This release also adds next/previous buttons for navigating between items in a list and a healthy dose of bug fixes.

Batch Create Checklists and Tests

In upgraded projects, tapping the “+” button above the checklist or test list will present a new batch create window. Just like the web, you’ll be able to select one or more assets, one or more templates, and then set options such as type and assignment before tapping “Create” to create the checklists or tests.

Easily create checklists and tests in the field with the new batch create

Batch creation is only available within upgraded projects, and only project templates are available currently. A future update will add account templates.

After you’ve created checklists or tests, why not try the recently added batch answer feature to efficiently answer them?

Next/Previous Buttons

You can now quickly step through your lists using our handy previous and next buttons. These are especially useful in the app’s full-screen mode.

New next and previous buttons allow navigation even when the list is hidden

Bug Fixes

This release also includes many bug fixes.

  • Fixed crashes that would sometimes occur when deleting items from a list.
  • Removed hard-coded stand-in numbers on the equipment list view.
  • Changing the sync interval no longer disables automatic syncing.
  • Window titles in App Exposé now properly reflect the window’s contents.
  • Using the app with Airplay Mirroring now responds properly.
  • Equipment list now properly sorts by status in the asset picker.
  • Fixed situation where some lists wouldn’t update their totals after deleting or adding new items.
  • Asset type switcher in the asset picker now scrolls smoothly.
  • Markups added to images using the iOS Markup are no longer removed when the image is added to the app.

We hope you enjoy these updates! As always, let us know how we can help you at and let us know what other features we should be adding at