
Email Notifications

We know that many of you have not been receiving email notifications for some time. For anyone that has experienced that, I apologize. As we’ve grown our previous approach to sending emails became overwhelmed. We have been working to revamp our email notifications to address the issues, and I’m happy to say that starting today you will receive all the email notifications you are subscribed to.

Email notifications allow you to be emailed when something important happens with an issue, checklist, test, or other item you created, are assigned to, or are watching.

You can choose to receive these emails immediately (within five minutes) after the action happens, or combine them into a once- or twice-daily email. You can also choose what you want to be notified about. For example, if you are creating a lot of items, notifications about items you’ve created may be too much. In that case you might want to turn off notifications for those items. To manage your email notifications, visit your profile page.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at